[heading title=”Steel Challenges & Changes” fontclass=”fa-database” delay=”100″ icon_style=”crcle”]
Over the last few years, Iron ore availability in the domestic market has reduced to a large extent and Pellet capacities on the another hand have come up in a big way. Going forward, Pellet is seemingly a crucial raw material for steel making in India. The aforementioned conference aims to provide a platform wherein experts from various parts of the country will participate and discuss the effective utilization of Pellet & Pellet Sponge as raw material in steel making.
[heading title=”OBJECTIVES” fontclass=”fa-check-square-o” delay=”200″]
To appraise the current raw material situation prevailing in India
To discuss & evaluate use of Pellets as a raw material by the secondary steel industry
Technical Challenges & Benefits of using Pellet & Pellet Sponge
Changes that are needed to overcome the present scenario in the steel industry
To discuss & evaluate use of Pellets as a raw material by the secondary steel industry
Technical Challenges & Benefits of using Pellet & Pellet Sponge
Changes that are needed to overcome the present scenario in the steel industry
[heading title=”TAKE AWAYS” fontclass=”fa-key” delay=”200″ icon_style=”crcle”]
A fairer viewpoint of effective use of Pellets in integrated & standalone steel units
Gather technical knowhow for better use of Pellet & Pellet Sponge
Discussions around effective use & availability of the raw material going ahead
Gather technical knowhow for better use of Pellet & Pellet Sponge
Discussions around effective use & availability of the raw material going ahead
[heading title=”PANELISTS & SPEAKERS” subtitle=”at SC&C 2014″ fontclass=”fa-microphone” delay=”200″][speaker slug=”panelists-speakers-at-scc-2014″ style=”crcle” column=”col-md-2 col-sm-6 col-5″]
[heading title=”Presentations” subtitle=”at SC&C 2014″ fontclass=”fa-file-powerpoint-o” delay=”200″]